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My name is Amy Landino and I'm an author, influencer and keynote speaker.
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Amy sits down today with her best friends Sara and Jesse to discuss their Gretchen Rubin Girl’s Weekend and to re-take the Four Tendencies Quiz as they discuss their answers.
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(0:25) Amy, Sara & Jesse are in NYC! | Gretchen Fan Club
(3:16) “We’re going to meet Gretchen Rubin!” The moment they found out.
The empty shelf : one shelf in the house to help you feel good about not having too much “stuff”.
(6:01) Clean houses | Obligers vs. Upholders
(6:57) Retaking the Four Tendencies Quiz
Holding yourself accountable based on how you proceed through life.
(9:55) Instructions | Choose the answer that happens across all facets of your life.
(12:01) Question 1: Have you kept a New Year’s resolution where you weren’t accountable to anyone?
Jesse | Self-Perceived Laziness vs Inner Accountability
Sara | Resolutions all-year-long!
Amy | Holding resolutions close to the vest AT the New Year or the first of anything. Amy lives for a fresh start.
(17:48) Question 2: Which statement best describes your view about commitments to yourself?
Sara | Waffling between two answers, real-time phone-a-friend.
Jesse | Other people counting on her makes her more likely to hold a commitment.
Amy | Yoga studio, paying money as an outside accountability source.
Amy holds commitments in the same regard no matter who she is accountable to.
(26:13) Question 3: At times we feel frustrated by ourselves, are you most like to feel frustrated because…
Amy | Amy can’t violate the rules even when she wants to. Tightening: refusing to stop a new habitJesse | Can take time for other people but not for herself.
Sara | Can’t break habits or break rules even if she wants to. It’s a spectrum, obsessive to healthy
(31:47) Question 4: When you formed a healthy habit in the past what helped you stick to it?
**Fire-Engine Sirens throughout this question
Sara | Good at sticking to habits
Jesse | Doesn’t choose to bind herself to a particular choice of action, unless it’s bananas for Frankie.
**Fire Department Arrives
(37:23) Question 5: If people complain about your habits you’d be least surprised to hear them say…
Jesse | She’s good at taking time to do things others request but not for herself.
Amy | Sticks to good habits that matter to her, always.
Sara | Taking time for others not for herself. Finds herself showing up to places due to the wrong motivations.
(42:02) Question 6:Which description fits you best…
Amy | Wants to say “asks necessary questions” but finds herself to be super disciplined even when it doesn’t make sense.
Sara | Puts others first, mostly (10% discipline)
Jesse | She refuses to be bossed by others
(45:08) Rapid Fire Round
Agree | Neutral | Disagree
(48:50) Four Tendencies
Upholders – meet outer expectations and inner expectations
Questioners – resist outer expectations and meet inner expectations
Obligers – meet outer expectations and resist inner expectations
Rebels – resist outer and inner expectations
Group Guesses
Amy – Upholder
Jesse – Obliger
Sara – Questioner
Results – What you do with this information, what it means to be each tendecy and how to work with it.
Jesse – Obliger, “I do what I have to do I don’t want to let others down but I may let myself down.”
Sara – Upholder, “I do what others expect of me and what I expect of myself.”
Amy – Upholder, “I do what others expect of me and what I expect of myself.”
(52:10) Meets vs. Resists
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Amy Landino is the Director & Founder of GATLUW House. A bestselling author and the award-winning host of AmyTV, Amy is the World’s #1 Productive Lifestyle & Success Coach.
For tips and updates follow me on Insta @schmittastic
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