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My name is Amy Landino and I'm an author, influencer and keynote speaker.
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There’s nothing worse for your mindset than starting your day with a mindless Instagram scroll. Before you’ve even had time to make sense of the world, you’re absorbing the thoughts and feelings and opinions of other people. And you might not even be out of bed yet!
Instead of reaching for your phone first thing in the morning, here are 25 productive habits you can build instead!
I like to wake up my skin with a splash of cool water and some moisturizer to start my day. It gets the muscles in my face moving, keeps me hydrated, and makes me feel like I’ve put some effort in to the day already!
Your body has been doing nothing for 7 whole hours. It needs some moisture — ASAP! Drink a full glass of water (or lemon water for an extra zing in your morning) before you head for the coffee pot.
If no one near you is sleeping, crank some music and move your body! Wake yourself up by dancing to your favorite song while you’re making your coffee or getting ready for the day.
Go for a quick walk around the block if your neighborhood allows, or just step out onto your balcony if you have one! Refresh your lungs with some fresh air each morning.
I read from a page-a-day book called The Daily Stoic every single morning, but feel free to make reading a longer part of your routine! Reading something impactful that will motivate you towards success is a great way to start your day on the right foot.
Make a list of your top 3 goals for the day. Make it your phone background. Write it on a sticky note and stick it to your steering wheel. Keep it with you throughout the day and keep your priorities in check.
I love starting my day with a motivational audiobook or podcast. If reading isn’t really your thing, this is a great alternative! Multitask this with some stretching or tidying up, or just relax and listen for a while.
Warm up your muscles and get your body moving with some stretches. I love searching for different stretch guides on Pinterest!
Jot down a few thoughts to get your mind moving. Write about what happened the day before or what you’ve planned for the day ahead! This can be stream of consciousness, to-do lists, Morning Pages — anything you want it to be. Just write!
Some people love getting their workout over with first thing in the morning. I’m not one of those people, but this is your morning! If you want to get your blood pumping, start your morning routine in the gym.
If I was feeling particularly stressed the night before, I make meditation a priority. While I don’t do it every day, it’s amazing what it can do to clear your mind when you take a moment for stillness. Psst: Try this meditation pillow!
Whether you’re speaking to others or to yourself, make a point to only say positive things in the morning! Don’t start your day with complaints. Instead, reflect on gratitude.
One of the best habits you can practice is making your bed every single day. Tidying up that space first thing in the morning gives you a feeling of productivity and accomplishment before you’ve even left your bedroom.
Send your mom a just-because text. Give a friend a call on their birthday. Reach out to those around you and connect! If speaking to others is something you want in your routine, making a habit of reaching out in the morning not only makes you feel good, it reminds others that you’re thinking of them.
Write down the things you’re thankful for. Taking a moment to reflect on your gratitude each day reminds you of what really matters to you.
I love getting on Twitter and sending a quick ‘Good Morning ☀️Good Life ✨’ to my community! Spread some motivation to those around you, whether they’re in person or online.
Cuddle a pet, your spouse, your kids — anyone you want! Start your day by getting close to your loved ones and taking time to be present.
Clean up your space! Clear the clutter from the kitchen counter or finally move all that laundry to the washing machine. Prioritize tidying up one thing each day to keep your home clean!
Dry brushing is fantastic for exfoliating your skin while getting your blood moving. It’s also been known to help with cellulite and stretch marks! Start your day with a little self care and try dry brushing!
While it’s wise to be choosy about the content you put into your mind first thing in the morning, a positive podcast can be a great motivation boost. Find a podcast that motivates or excites you and listen while you sip some coffee!
Learn something new! The Internet offers online courses for any subject you can imagine. If there’s something you’ve been wanting to learn more about, search for a course and make it part of your morning.
I write out my goals three times every morning to remind myself what I’m working for. Rewriting what I want for myself is its own kind of meditation, as I take this time to be present with my goals and visualize what it might be like when I achieve them.
My mom got me into diffusing essential oils, but you do you! Light a comforting candle or just spritz your perfume and enjoy the scent. Be present with the fragrance and have a moment of mindfulness.
Write about the things you know! This could be a blog, an Instagram caption, or even a Facebook post. If you know something, half the fun of knowing it is sharing that value with the people around you.
Snap a quick photo (a selfie if bedhead allows) and keep a visual log of your days! Create an album in your phone and start a photo journal that you can scroll through and build on!
QOTD: What do you do first in the morning?
Amy Landino is the Director & Founder of GATLUW House. A bestselling author and the award-winning host of AmyTV, Amy is the World’s #1 Productive Lifestyle & Success Coach.
For tips and updates follow me on Insta @schmittastic
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