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My name is Amy Landino and I'm an author, influencer and keynote speaker.
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Alright, show of hands. Who could use just a little more peace in their life?
Anyone? Oh, everyone? Yep, that’s what I thought. I’m right there with you.
Here’s a big shocker for you: we live in a time of noise. Internal noise. External noise. Certainly not all of it is bad, it’s just…LOUD. How do we deal with it?
A lot of times, we depend on made-up scenarios of “When I get _____, I’ll finally be happy, content, and everything will work out”. We assume that once we reach some arbitrary, magical finish line in life, suddenly the problems we’re facing will disappear, the noise will quiet, and we’ll be perfectly happy in our little bubble.
Sounds crazy written down, yes? Even so, I’m willing to bet most of us have thought that one before.
“Once I get X job and am making X amount of money, I’ll be content.”
“Once I get married and have a family, everything will work out.”
“Once I finally move to X, I’ll be happy then.”
The grass is always greener, until you get there. Do you want to live a life out of reach? Or a life where you can BE the peace you are seeking, right now?
We all need stillness, in one form or another. Maybe for you, this is prayer or meditation. Maybe it’s gentle movement, like yoga or a silent walk. Whatever it is: find it. Embody it. Don’t let it slip away.
Don’t waste your life waiting for the peace to come to you. Seek it wholeheartedly. Let go of the make-believe moments of “then” and tighten your grip on the moments of “now”.
Be the peace.
Amy Landino is the Director & Founder of GATLUW House. A bestselling author and the award-winning host of AmyTV, Amy is the World’s #1 Productive Lifestyle & Success Coach.
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