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My name is Amy Landino and I'm an author, influencer and keynote speaker.
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For this episode of Detail Therapy, Amy digs into the details about choosing happiness. How do YOU define happiness? Once you identify that, Amy shares how you can actively choose happiness each day!
(2:09) Let’s chat happiness.
Before diving in, Amy emphasizes that everything she shares is part of her own journey. When she learns something new or discovers a clever hack, you are the first person she wants to tell! This episode gives a little insight on how Amy is choosing happy lately (especially when life happens!).
(4:34) “Being” happy VS. “choosing” happy
Amy notes that “choosing happy” is not about fabricating happiness. Sometimes we just ARE happy, without any effort. But when we aren’t in that space, it’s up to us to choose it. There will always be reasons to not be happy, but they aren’t good enough reasons to give up your happiness.
(7:21) Are you game?
Amy challenges you to take ownership over the choice of happiness. This mindset shift is within your power! Let go of the idea that “happy” is something that happens to you, and embrace the truth that you can choose happiness despite your circumstances.
(8:35) Thank you to Ana Luisa for sponsoring this episode!
This episode of Detail Therapy is sponsored by our friends at Ana Luisa! They are your one-stop-shop for jewelry that delivers on that “wow” factor, unbeatable quality, and fair prices that don’t derail your budget.
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(10:14) Define your “happy formula“
Amy motivates you to get really honest and specific about what YOUR happiness looks like. Your “happy formula” will never be identical to anyone else’s. The only perception that matters is your own.
(11:36) What are your core “happy” feelings?
“Happiness” is an elusive feeling. The key is to identify what emotions actually contribute to your happiness. We aren’t just choosing to be happy, we are choosing to embrace the emotions that increase our happiness. For Amy, these are “calm”, “cool”, and “confident”!
(14:04) Creating real happiness starts here.
Amy reminds you that we aren’t trying to just slap a fake smile on our face and pretend everything is okay. It’s not as easy as telling yourself “just be happy!”. In order to choose happiness, you must know yourself and your habitual mindset enough to get to the root.
What are the emotions that create happiness for you?
(15:21) You are not your thoughts.
We all have habitual thoughts that hold us back. Those thoughts become a narrative in our minds, and then turn into a story we tell ourselves over and over. This is when our circumstances begin to affect us internally. When you have the big-picture feelings of contentment as your guide, you can weather life’s circumstances without being rattled.
(17:01) Rerouting your feelings ASAP
Amy offers advice on how you can steer your day in the right direction from the moment you wake up. If the feelings you wake up to aren’t aligning with your happiness, the sooner you reroute them the better.
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Amy Landino is the Director & Founder of GATLUW House. A bestselling author and the award-winning host of AmyTV, Amy is the World’s #1 Productive Lifestyle & Success Coach.
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