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My name is Amy Landino and I'm an author, influencer and keynote speaker.
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We’ve all gotta start somewhere, amiright?
Productivity is a skill that develops over time, and you have to learn how to harness it in a way that works for your lifestyle. One of the most important aspects of a productive mindset is the ability to maximize your time, no matter what you’re doing.
We all have tasks throughout the day that don’t require our 100% mental attention.
Enter: the morning shower.
It feels like such a drag somedays to go through the hustle and bustle of getting clean and ready when there are other things that need your attention, especially if you have a pretty involved routine. But believe it or not, there are things you can do to operate at your most productive level, even while showering!
Next time you hop in, try some of these tips!
Confidence is how you present it, and it all starts with how you feel. Striking a hands-on-the-hips Superwoman pose in the shower may feel a little silly, but who’s watching?! Stand tall with your head held high, feel the power in your body, and channel that energy and confidence into the rest of your day.
Got a couple minutes? Let that hair mask set for a few and get some squats in… carefully. Doing some light exercises in the shower is great because the warmth of the water has already got your muscles moving, so take advantage of it!
Stick with your calendar block! A major way to stay productive is to always know what time it is so you don’t run late while getting ready. I found this shower clock to help me stay on track with my schedule, no matter what I’m doing. It suctions to the wall, or you can hang it by a hook!
Don’t you hate getting the best ideas in the shower with nowhere to keep track of them? Never let a great idea slip away again! Write your ideas that pop up on this handy notepad. It’s waterproof and sticks to the wall of your shower so you can hold onto the thoughts that matter!
Think positive affirmations feel funny to say out loud? Work on saying them like you mean them in the shower alone. If you need to, turn up the music so no one listens in to your conversation with yourself. Speaking positively to yourself and about yourself is the ultimate mindset boost you’ll need to take on the day. Maybe even practice jotting down your affirmations on your shower notepad!
QOTD: What do you do to stay productive during your morning routine?
Amy Landino is the Director & Founder of GATLUW House. A bestselling author and the award-winning host of AmyTV, Amy is the World’s #1 Productive Lifestyle & Success Coach.
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