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My name is Amy Landino and I'm an author, influencer and keynote speaker.
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Subtle, small, straightforward. Let’s start there.
It’s no secret that around here we love to hear about the big visions you have for your life. Going after the life you want can feel overwhelming, especially if the life you want requires a career change, a move, a new relationship, or another major life shift. Today, let’s practice valuing the initial baby steps just as much as the ambitious leaps of faith.
These simple tips are for the go-getter who needs a breather from making big moves, for the person who wants to get their feet wet, or if you’re just looking to give your day a little extra GATLUW love!
1. Organize your apps by affirmations.
I saw this on social media and fell in LOVE. It’s a tiny, one-time change but SO effective. A lot of us are on our phones all day long: for work, for connection, for home life, etc. Try sorting your apps into groups by statements like, “I am healthy”, “I am creative,” or “I am connected” and let your technology serve as built-in affirmations.
2. Try on an outfit that makes you feel your most powerful self BEFORE getting ready for the day.
This one sounds a little crazy, but sometimes crazy works! Ideally, all the items in your wardrobe make you feel empowered; realistically, that might not be the case. Or, perhaps your current occupation (and thus, current work uniform) doesn’t match the life you’re going after. You might already have an item in mind. It doesn’t matter if it’s a straight-up ballgown, whatever works. Put it on before getting ready for the day. Soak in that feeling. Imagine where you would wear it and why. Then, go ahead and get dressed for the day and take that feeling with you.
3. Write out the job title you aspire to and place it where you will see it often.
Think of it as a motivational desk nameplate. When I first made the decision to pursue directing in the theatre, I got a blank canvas from the craft store and wrote on it in Sharpie, “Directed by: Audrey Morabito”. I wanted to remind myself not only of what I was aiming for, but that it was POSSIBLE. An added bonus? When you DO achieve your goal, seeing those words in ‘real life’ will feel that much sweeter, trust me.
Audrey Morabito is a recent graduate of the University of Houston holding a BFA in Playwriting and Dramaturgy. A life-long storyteller and creative, Audrey loves to journal, read, write, and spend time at the theatre. Insta: @audreymorabito
For tips and updates follow me on Insta @schmittastic
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