There is no greater obstacle in life than the inability to make a decision.
We are chased down by decisions all day, every day. Some are easier than others, but even the ones that seem insignificant add up. At times, the magnitude of our decisions–even the little ones–can begin to weigh us down.
Do not let yourself get caught in the trap of indecision. Why? Being unable to decide means being unable to make progress.
It seems simple, but we often forget: whenever you feel stuck, the antidote is to ACT. Plant one foot in front of the other and KEEP moving. Failing forward will ALWAYS get you closer to your goals than being stuck in indecision ever will.
Start with something small. Build momentum. Create confidence.
The more you flex that muscle of decision-making, the sharper and more accurate it will become. Try not to worry about not picking the “right” thing. Everything serves a purpose. Better to be strong and wrong than off on the sidelines, still charting a course of action.
When you avoid making a decision, you avoid being the leader of your own life. And we just can’t have that, now can we?
Amy Landino is the Director & Founder of GATLUW House. A bestselling author and the award-winning host of AmyTV, Amy is the World’s #1 Productive Lifestyle & Success Coach.
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