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My name is Amy Landino and I'm an author, influencer and keynote speaker.
Read more about me
In 2018, I ventured into videos on YouTube that were not what my typical content had been. I shared my experience about starting each day on my terms and how that habit helped me to go after the life I want. Literally. I don’t just say that phrase because it sounds nice. Everything I do in my career from productivity to strategy to mindfulness is about truly going after the things I want in this life for myself. Those new types of videos were just another way that I continued to share the journey with my community so I could teach any and everything I had learned.
I never could have guessed how wildly motivating those videos would be for both me and the GATLUW community. The methodology of Good Morning, Good Life! went on to not only be our tagline, but my latest book, released in December of last year.
I’m so proud and humbled to report that the very book that came to life because of such a powerful morning routine movement has already reached an incredible milestone of 10,000 copies sold! Unbelievable.
To any and everyone who purchased, reviewed, shared, borrowed, promoted, copyedited (cheers to you Team GATLUW and Sara McCain!), and—most importantly—read the book, I am so deeply grateful for you. If not for your support, I would truly not be living my dream as a bestselling author… again!
Thank you so much for 10,000 copies!
Get your copy of Good Morning, Good Life (or read a review if you’ve read it already!) ☀️
Amy Landino is the Director & Founder of GATLUW House. A bestselling author and the award-winning host of AmyTV, Amy is the World’s #1 Productive Lifestyle & Success Coach.
For tips and updates follow me on Insta @schmittastic
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